Saturday, February 27, 2010

Beach Pictures!!

I took a lot.. but my eyes are getting heavy and it's not even 7:00pm as I'm typing this.. :-)... It would have been awesome if the water was as clear as the sky was today..

Photography Withdraws.. :-)

Yeah.. I had it! Not gonna deny it! Went almost a month without taking pictures.. So when I went to the beach to get job applications, I took my camera with me.. I sent Dana a text telling her that you never realize how far you walk until you have walk back to your car.. HAHAHA.. Beautiful day.. And though it was 55-57 degrees, it felt really nice too! Gonna edit and then place them up here in a little while..

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Jeremyah's Birthday Party

Last Saturday I went to the birthday party of my best friends now 6 year old son.. The only question we all kept asking.. WHY OUTSIDE ON A DAY WHERE IT'S 44 DEGREES???? She kept asking herself that actually.. HAHA.. Wasn't so bad, until the wind started blowing.. But for the most part it was fun watching all the boys run around and play care free.. It wasn't a photo shoot, but I did take pics for Dana since she talked to the other moms...