Monday, May 31, 2010

I Stand Before You (a Memorial Day poem)

I Stand Before You

I stand before you all today
But not one eye can see my way

My time arrived, to leave this earth
A fact so planned, to every birth

It happened where I had to go
My torch for life was so aglow

I transferred while in uniform
Protecting freedom, through a storm

Should I resent I died for you
Not on my life, red white and blue

Please help my family through each day
Tell all my friends, try not to stray

And of the country I did love
Do think of me, through God above

Your memories, brought forth this day
Send love to us, who could not stay

©2001Roger J. Robicheau
Former SP5 US Army

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pics from Thanksgiving 2009

This past November my parents and I went to Greenville, Mississippi for Thanksgiving to visit my dad's side of the family.. I had a lot of fun hanging out with my cousins Lara and Brad.. Here are some of the pics that I took while there...

Pics from last year...

I decided to start editing some pics from last year... Even tho I scratched my cornea the other day and bright lights makes my left eye EXTREMELY uncomfortable... but just as soon as I get my name on the pics, I will post them.. Hope everyone has a safe and blessed Memorial Day weekend.. And don't forget to thank an active or retired Military personnel!

Friday, May 14, 2010

I Have Not Abandoned You..

I just haven't photographed anything.. Well, I did get a couple of magnolias... but I think that would be flower overboard here.. lol.. Been busy training with A DJ Connection... having a blast doing so.. So until I can get some more pics, it may be quiet... I will try to get some of the wedding I am assisting with tomorrow..

God Bless,

Monday, May 3, 2010

Saturday Night...

What was supposed to have been a drive to Destin, FL for a wedding turned out to be a wedding [with Shawn] then a concert.. After the wedding was over and on the drive back home Shawn and I saw the marquee for Club Overboard and saw that one of our favorite bands was playing.. FUEL!!!! OMG! I have been in love with this band since high school! So last second, we decided to go... We missed the opening act [don't know who it was] and the first half of Fuel's performance, but you know what.. I don't care... I GOT TO SEE BRETT SCALLIONS LIVE!!! *SWOON*