Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Historic Village

Here are some pictures from the tour mom and I did of the Historic Village... I love the smell of old things... Love it! Learned some things about Pensacola... But here are the pics..

Old Christ Church, stained window

Old Christ Church, Pool Pit

Formal Living Room of the Clara Berkley Door House

Bedroom of the Lavelle House

Thursday, June 24, 2010


This is what BP has done to the Gulf.. I hope their proud of their greed! The smell was great, but it wasn't bad either.. But it was noticeable.. Have to be careful where you step that way you don't get oil on your feet...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Gilliard Girls...

Here are some of the pics that I took of Victoria and Isabella yesterday... Jay and Aiyleen Gilliard are the sweetest people.. And their girls are the happiest little ones.. Pleasure to work with them... But it was so hot and close to the end of it, Bella was over it.. haha! But I got some awesome pics of them..

Saturday, June 12, 2010

More Beach Photos..

So yesterday, my mom wanted to ride out to the beach to look at it one more time before the oil reaches there.. or so she says.. LOL.. Well, I got a few more shots of it.. ENJOY!