Saturday, September 17, 2011

Downtown at Sunset and Dark

I decided to go downtown again.. But this time at sunset... I haven't been able to get the one sunset pic that I love.. The one where the sky is FIRE red.. I've done it before but haven't been able to capture again.. But nonetheless it's still beautiful to get a sunset picture.. I also got some in other areas after it became dark... Enjoy!!

Palafox Pier

Martime Park - work-in-progress

Old Christ Church - Hauntingly beautiful

Child Statue at the War Memorial

St Michael's Catholic Church

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tropical Storm Lee

The Louisiana and Mississippi Coast last weekend got hit by Tropical Storm Lee. We felt the affects of him too. So what did I do for my day off on Labor Day? Went downtown and took pics.. Are you surprised? HA! There were some teenage girls sitting on a bench in their bathing suits waiting for the waves to crash against the wall on Palafox Pier, bc a HUGE wave of water would come up and splash them. Here are a few of what I got.

flag at Joe Patti's Seafood
down at the foot of the 3 Mile Bridge
some girls getting splashed..
waves crashing
Flag on top of the County Courthouse